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Laura Bankston's Daily Tip:  6/12/04

Today's Topic:  Father's Day


 Father's Day Delivery Option ends Sunday 6/13/04 Midnight!


What if you Could Choose Your Dad?


It may seem like an odd question; but it's one that goes through my head about this time every year.


What if God had let me choose my dad?  No limitations.  Any man, from any time since the world first started.


I wouldn't choose a king - although being a princess was always a childhood fantasy. 


I wouldn't choose Charles Spurgeon.  Although I'm fascinated with the power of God in his life, I wouldn't have chosen him.


I wouldn't have chosen a President, the richest man in the world, the funniest man, or even the most permissive.


I would choose the Dad that I have - there is no one I could think of that could possibly be even close to the Dad that I have.  And if you feel that way, sorry.  You're wrong.  I got the best one!


No, but seriously.


My Dad always had time for me.  He spent thousands - probably millions of hours - listening to my endless babble.


My Dad let me read classics to him while he worked on the car.


My Dad let me sit on the grass and talk to him while he painted my Grandma's house.


My Dad drew me funny pictures and left me notes when I was blue.


My Dad gave up his birthday when I cut my hand and had to have stitches that used up any money my parents might have had to do anything special that month.


And I loved to do things for my Dad when I was a kid.  I loved to bake him BIG cookies - the kind that took up the whole cookie sheet.


In fact, every time I made cookies or something - my Dad got the "extra


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special" one.  The biggest, the best.  It was my way to show back the love he gave me because it made him feel special. 


So, every year, as Father's Day approaches, I again have these same thoughts that I'm sharing with you.  And even though I'm not going to be there for Father's Day, my Dad is going to feel special.  (And because my Dad is still a great Dad and reads all my stuff - I can't tell you what it will be!!!  I LOVE YOU DAD!)


Anyway, I loved to make things for my Dad to show him I loved him.  And my kids love to do the same thing.  They made me this great framed handprint picture for Mother's Day; and they are already making little gifts around the house to give to their Dad. 


I don't even have to remind them.  They do it on their own.


And if you have kids that love to make something for Dad - especially those of you who have kids like me that just have to cook something for Dad - why haven't you gotten the cookbook yet? Get it Now


They'll feel great. They'll have a new way to express their love. Dad will feel special with the time and effort they put in - we all know that we love the things our kids make for us the best.


So, give your kids the opportunity to make this the best Father's Day yet!


Laura Bankston

P.S. Who's ready to make something special for Father's Day?  Don't deprive your kids the opportunity to express their love through cooking for the Dad that means everything to them.  Get your Cookbook right here, right now or it will be too late!

 Father's Day Delivery Option ends Sunday 6/13/04 Midnight!

ORDER NOW (Option Closed)




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