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Laura Bankston's Daily Tip 6/15/04: 

Today's Topic:  Lessons from Ronald Reagan


"Pass it On Down the Line"


This last weekend I watched many interesting specials and biographies and interviews on the life of Ronald Reagan.  As I listened, I took notes of several principles of successful people.

Yesterday we talked about Ronald Regan's purpose of mind in Knowing Where he wanted to go.  If you missed it, you can click the link in the articles from this week.

I was surprised by another quality.

When I think about the President of the United States, I think about a man making decisions and a man doing a lot of work.

President Regan did, but not as I imagined.

One of his aides said that during the first 100 days of his Presidency, Ronald Regan worked long hours.  In fact, this aide said that Nancy Reagan was on his case about keeping the President up too late.

He was working until 2 a.m.

So, there was no doubt that he was working hard.  But he was also working smart.


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But he didn't do all the work.  In fact, when he had something that he wanted done, he explained it to his three closest aides and told them to get it done.  And he fully expected that they would complete his assignment.

And they did.

You see, with all the decision making that he needed to do; there was no way that he could be all the places that he needed to be to get done all the things that he wanted done.

So, he delegated these tasks to people he identified as most competent to do them.

THAT ability of delegation is a key to success in reaching your goals.

Don't be afraid to share you work with those around you in order to get in the important things in life:  family fun, family time, and educating your children.

Here are some of the things that I delegate to get things done and still have time to be with my family:

  • housecleaning

  • grocery shopping

  • phone answering

  • order fulfillment

  • most everything for our professional service business

What do you delegate?  Sit down right now and write down the items that you do delegate.  Congratulate yourself on possessing such as good quality.  Then, think of something else that you could delegate and pass that off to someone else too. 

And if you don't have anything to write down - don't feel bad!  It's NEVER too late to start delegating.  Pick just one thing at first.  Something that takes up your time, can be done well by someone else, and preferably something that you really hate to do!

Then, with the time you saved by delegating, do something special with your kids!


Laura Bankston

P.S.  Ronald Reagan is an example of the qualities needed to be successful and reach goals.  And these are the same qualities practiced by successful entrepreneurs.  You can get your free report "How to Teach Your Child To Be An Entrepreneur" covering these qualities and others when you click here and participate in our short survey.

P.P.S.  Do you have something to do with your family with the time you now have by delegating?  Well, you do now.  Click here to get Homeschool Cooking in a Box on it's way to you right now - and skip the lesson's summer!


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Laura Bankston



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